Christmas is all over and the new year will be beginning in a few days...We had a great christmas, Ali was very excited to see her present under the tree at first we had to wake her up because Tim was in a giddy mood to wake up at 6:00 a.m. but i refused to get up that early so it killed him for a little while he he... When we finally woke her up and brought her into the room she was so excited "Gasp" "Toys" and starts running over to the tree, it was so cute. For the last few days before christmas it was killing her because she wanted to know what she was getting for christmas. Boy, was she surprised.
She got lots of toys, her favorite movie right at the moment Wall-E and Horton hears a who, Her kichentte that she has been asking for, and dress up stuff she also got a sled she has been wanting to go sledding and when we took out there it was fun for the most part she didn't like falling off. I got alot of scrapbook stuff, very excited cause i need more room for it, Tim got a model car and he is offically our "Cook" in the family makes the greatest food so i made him an apron "World Greatest Cook" with mine and Ali's handprints on it and his very own Recipe Book where he can put all his creation in there.
We spent Christmas eve with my family, then Christmas day with Tim's Family, where of course she got spoiled some more. The sad thing on chrismas eve i was so sick with nauseous and couldn't eat anything all day it was horrible, i haven't been that sick with nauseous in a long time it was crazy...
We are excited for the new year to come with the new baby coming and getting ready for him to come and start a new year fresh and new... We have found some new info on Ali she kept breaking out into this werid rashes on her body and it kept blistering up so we finally took her into the doctor's to get it check out, she has Ezcema which there is not much we can really do for her except for putting lotion on her and she kept getting this rash on her eyes we are still not sure what it is yet but hope the medication will help make it go away but we do know that cold weather does tend to bother her but she loves the snow so we have to lather her up to keep her from breaking out. Hope y'all had a great christmas...
Christmas Eve at Grandma McLelland

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