Monday, February 9, 2009


I have slacked on blogging for quite some time, I haven't had really much thought to put in my blog and i have also been really busy and trying to manage working and going to school and be a mom all at the same time. It is really crazy but fun at the same time. Not much has been going on expect for trying to keep my siacatic nerves from killing me or the baby from hurting me alot LOL!!! and chasing a wild and crazy 2 year old everywhere :) I am doing good just eagerly waiting for the baby to come then i can breathe and move again. With the economy getting bad Tim's hours got cut and we are struggling but going at it one day at a time the best we can. We are hoping it will get better soon so that he can go back to his 40 hours a week job and we can somehow survive.

Well that is all for now i will try to come up with more thoughts when i have another moment to sit down and think